There should be a limited number of categories and a more or less homogeneous distribution of articles between the different categories. Link Building and content promotion The number and quality of incoming links (to a site) are historically the first parameter used by Google to evaluate the reputation of a site. This parameter was almost the only one in the early days of Google but over time it has become one of the many most relevant parameters (around 200).
Despite this, even today the number and quality of incoming links is Phone Number List of the elements that have the most weight in determining the importance of a page and therefore its ranking. The term link building can take on different meanings. Because incoming links on a page or site are so important, many sites create fictitious sites and links in an attempt to deceive search engines. that search engines have evolved over the years to understand which of these links are authentic and which are artificial.
The term link building is often associated with an activity of artificially building these links and therefore not welcomed by Google and other engines. However, the effort of creating “authentic” links to your site can be a more than respectable and often very useful activity for a site. In fact, today a good article or blog post, even if of excellent quality, requires a promotional activity that is at least as expensive as the production one because otherwise it is difficult for such content to reach a large number of people.