Also, don't forget to share images with your production team. Ueda : "The planning structure is the axis for everyone involved in content creation." Ueda: "When we think about delivering content to people, we need to create content with the best team, even if it takes some time." How do we deliver content? Ueda : "Creating content is not the end. I believe that the way to create content that touches people's hearts is to design the process until it reaches people." Let's say you need to vary your content depending on your personas, and you've separated them into categories (A, B, C).
The graph above summarizes the data on . Ueda : "We can see that depending on the direction of the article, users with different genres of interest will view it." Q&A Q: How can one service or product be divided into men and women? A: I think we need Chinese Student Phone Number List to change the content we deliver to men and women. Ueda : "Separating content for men and women may seem like a hassle, but if you go through this trouble, people won't be interested in advertising because they think it's unrelated.
" summary After the study session, it's time for a discussion session! All the participants held alcoholic beverages and soft drinks and toasted! It is very valuable to have a chance to interact both inside and outside the company, such as exchanging opinions with Mr. Ueda over a drink. GIG holds study sessions for outsiders once a month. Not only engineers, but also designers and directors participated in the study sessions, making it a good opportunity to improve company-wide skills. In particular, I really resonated with Mr. Ueda's words, ``80% of the content creation is already done before you start production.'' I realized once again that preparation is important for everything.